Young children are by nature CURIOUS, wonderfully EAGER TO LERAN about their world and how it “works”; What is this? Why is that? What does it mean? And just like our little Nitso, they have their very own subjective but unspoiled view on things around them. And when we let them, and Nitso, use their own CURIOSITY and IMAGINATION to discover this fantastic world for themselves – of course with a little help from the wise Master Tebahpla - they will experience a sensation of achievement that will not only positively sustain their SELF ESTEEM but also encourage them to learn more about the world around them.
The stories are dedicated to cater to the specific perspective of the young target audience, by carefully considering the stage of their cognitive and perceptual development. We know that children aged 4 to 6, are strongly attached to RITUALS and REPETITIONS. This supports a very basic, but strong need for FEELING SAVE, and at the same time it lends a promise of being treated with respect, as an individual. And we know that children, like all of us, love to LAUGH and have FUN. Therefore we make sure that our stories are positively integrated with recognisable and interactive rituals, presented and represented by Nitso, our strong identification character with whom they will feel safe and thereby comfortable to LEARN and LAUGH with.
The significance of joy and laughter makes HUMOR a central element in our stories. When children learn to face and SOLVE PROBLEMS WITH A SMILE on their face, it not only relaxes and opens their minds, it also stimulates their creative potential and makes them positive resilient. Defining the humour in Nitso’s world, means NO irony or sarcasm, but a focus on FUNNY WORDS and wordplays linked naturally to the theme plus sweet and sometimes delightfully “CHEEKY” visual surprises. We will try to avoid generic slapstick gags, banana peals and “smart” verbal jokes. We also have an ambition to venture beyond the obvious and predictable, as in “A is only for Apple” or “Z is for Zebra”. So when Nitso gets to know the letter B, it will be a “BIG BEAR IN A BIKINI” and when he discovers the letter H it will be with “HILARIOUS HAMSTERS” and he will be surprised to meet the S with “SMELLY SOCKS”.
To sum it up; We want to encourage and inspire young children to learn by utilising their IMAGINATIVE CREATIVITY to its fullest and in that process, whilst having loads of fun, to discover the power of EXPANDING their MINDS.